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| Moko Taclai | Character Compendium | Index | Nishi Senzen |

Name - Celia Hana
Nickname - N/A
Age - 29
Sex - Female
Race - Humanoid
Relationship - Single
Family - N/A
Job - Thief
Weapon - Sword
Found in Storyline - Miseria
Atrophy - Scorpion Flower

HP - Low
MP - Very Low
STR - Very Low
DEX - Low
VIT - Moderate
MAG - Very Low
SPR - Moderate
SPD - Very High
LUCK - Very High
EVA - Moderate
HIT - High

Celia is the first "hidden" character in HU. I say that with quotes because the players start Miseria's storyline with Celia in the party. So she's effectively a freebie. Her main goal is to collect the finest treasures in the world by any means necessary and simply have fun in life.

Her attire leaves very little to the imagination. Leather pants, various shirts and boots. Her hair is long a white, while her eyes are a deep green. With her home engulfed by the flames of the planet, Celia became a traveling thief, seeking to explore the new world and make some profit from her "findings".

Physically, she's weak because of her class and can use very little to no magic whatsoever. However, she makes up for this with speed and abilities to alter time.

Outside of battle, she keeps to herself unless confronted or trying to make a sale. She has been known to seduce men so that she can steal their belongings without a trace, but only does so when she absolutely has to. Her only reason for challenging Aletheian is to kill him and take any valuables for resale.